Monday, March 17, 2008

the sorry state of KHTML

Before any of you get mad - know that this is nothing but an uninformed rant. But it is coming from a noteworthy source, namely, the common user (aka yours truly).

You see, I am writing this post from within firefox - because konqueror, with khtml rendering things, will not allow me to use the post form on ! And thats just one of many things that khtml, in kde4 anyway, seems to have many problems with. has it's header massacred on a regular basis, deviantart galleries are no-show, youtube videos that are sized oddly, and so on...

The problem is anytime you ask a khtml dev about this they always tend to blame the website - how khtml 'follows standards'. Well as more and more sites break, I'm tempted to believe khtml has it's own standards, not the other way around.

So has the flame war between webkit proponents & khtml purists comes to the brink of flaming up even more with the release of qt 4.4, I wished to address the worries of one camp no one ever hears from: the end user. Linux users can put up with alot of irregularities, but the ones in khtml have become a bit much to bare lately. Let's hope this will all get resolved sooner than later.